Biblioteca digital: arte y cultura
Chapter 10 Film Culture and Education in Republican Cuba:
The Legacy of José Manuel Valdés-Rodríguez, in: Cosmopolitan Film Cultures in Latin America, 1896-1960.
Resumen: The past two decades have witnessed an explosion of scholarly interest in Latin American cinema as the globalization of production, distribution, and reception has fueled the resurgence—and, in some cases, the emergence—of commercially viable film production in several Latin American nations. Thanks to new programs of government subsidies, growing opportunities for international coproductions, and increased visibility on the international festival circuit, a diverse group of films from the region has enjoyed impressive distribution and critical attention outside their countries of origin. Yet if, as Elizabeth Ezra and Terry Rowden have suggested, cinema’s social functioning “is being drastically reshaped...
Año: 2017
Como citar: Rozsa, I. (2017).